The debate over whether or not to use uniforms has been going on as long as studios have existed. Since opinions are still pretty much 50/50, we decided to explore some reasons why you might want to mandate uniforms at your studio. For those who are on the fence about selecting a uniform for your dancers, read on to see if this helps with your decision.
Levels the Playing Field
We all know that growing up can be tough, and that feeling excluded can be devastating for a child. Wearing a uniform helps promote a sense of belonging, equality, and togetherness that can have an incredible impact on the overall community of your studio. It also enforces the idea that nobody is inherently special, and that one must work diligently to make oneself that way.
Fosters Focus
When dancers are all wearing a uniform, it makes it much easier to focus on dance itself rather than who’s wearing what. Many studios opt to have different uniforms for different levels of dance. This gives students in younger levels a visually tangible goal to work toward.
Financial Benefits
Selling the required uniforms through your own in-studio boutique guarantees revenue. Furthermore, uniforms generally cost parents less money in the long run than buying multiple fashion-forward bodysuits throughout the year, so they’ll be happy too.
Promotes Discipline
Having a uniform makes class more neat and orderly, and that’s reflected in the students’ behaviour as well. Studies on school uniforms have shown that students are usually more attentive and behave better when wearing uniforms because it sets a precedent of rules and guidelines to adhere to. These studies have also shown that rates at which students miss or are late to class drop noticeably when schools enforce a uniform policy.
A Sense of Pride
Dancers who wear a uniform often feel more pride for their studio. A uniform requirement can also express the schools commitment to high standards.
We hope this gave you some insight into why we think class uniforms can be so beneficial for studios. If you have any questions about setting up a uniform for your studio, or anything else, feel free to give us a call, email, or schedule an appointment to speak with a dancewear professional.